Sometimes..did u have thinking to topup ur knowledge abou health...if yes..this post it's good for you. i want to shared my little knowledge regarding this disease..
did u heard about disease which we called diabetes....?
i bet u heard about it n i bet also u will think about diabetes mellitus (DM) right?or we call it
"kencing manis"...
i don't want to shared about that diabetes...but still diabetes..sape blh teka..?
yes...u r right!!!! <> (bg org yg jwpn dia btl jelah...**). i want to story about DIABETES INSIPIDUS
Diabetes insipidus also related to urine, same as DM. in DM, glucose is in your urine but in DI it's mean that your urine is too much...about 3k-4k liters per 24hours although your don't intake too much..(after this, do your own Intake&Output (IO) chart k....). Everybody have a risk to get this disease ..tanpa mengira usia..but actually it is a rare disease..
this disease occurs because your body is quarrel sket dgn hormone which we called ADH. so that, ADH that, ADH does not stop the kidneys from producing urine and allows to much water to be passed from the body...
ada 2 jenis DI ni..we called it cranial DI and the other one nephrogenic DI
meh kita kenal cranial DI dulu ek..cranial DI ni bila ADH wat komplot set set dia, xse kuar tp ada jugaklah hok feel pity to the body, kuar there is not enough ADH in the body to regulate the amount of urine that is produced..
ada faham???
now nephrogenic DI turn plak..yg jenis, ADH xkomplot...sume bg kerjasama but kidney plak sakit ati..(yelah sbb ADH sblm ni xse jupe dia) that, kidneys do not respond to it..
so jadilah, you urinate too much..
danger ke this disease???
ho..lah. kalau xdanger...i xshared with you all. the complications are...
- dehydration....kalau rasa dizzy, dry mouth, sunken feaTures, confuse..cpt2lah minum air byk sket..they are sign of you in dehydration!!!. org kata you must drink at least 8glasses per day tau...

- electrolyte imbalance..when imbalance, kucar kacir abislah body kita..pasal sume berebut electrolyte hok gersang dh the way muscles work, leading to headache, fatigue, irritabelity and muscle pains...
ok..lah that's it what i want to mother is calling..."mari siang bayam ni...wat mende ngadap laptop sokmo...."
p/s: sharing is caring
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