Do you ever think what is mind? from a website that i found in my google chrome mind is the human consciousness that originates in the brain and is manisfested especially in thought, perception, emotion, will, memory and imagination...
I"m always think it is so lucky if i have power to know what is i
other's mind...the first think if i have that power is to know what they think about me...you know...human ni byk talam dua muka...sometimes in front of us he/she is nice but we cannot predict the people who is so nice to us, some day will stab back...
ok i have a game to make you test your mind nice or not..
let's see the picture below..

if you found a door with sign like above, ada x tergerak dalam hati nak tahu apa kt dalam bilik tu...hahahah..i bet u all mesti nk thu...cuma xthu la korg g ngintai ke x...
i imagine 3 types of people muncul
- they will try to find out what happen in there..that's mean mereka akan mengintai lah...people yg jenis ni mmg xreti bahasa..org dh kata jgn mengintai g ngintai jugak..bad or not eh org mcm ni
- they want to sneek tp they not others privacy..so just their mind je berteka-teki..kalau fikiran u bersih, u akan thought good thing, kalau fikiran u buruk, u akan think bad thing..
- buat xthu je...lantak ko lah..tu pn nk lekat kat depan..
hachoo: byk org, byk ragam
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