Sunday, January 31, 2010

kata-kata hikmah

mutiara di lautan biru..hehehe

hari ini aku di arahkan untuk menghadiri satu kursus pengurusan yang dianjurkan oleh hospital tempat ak bekerja..Kursus ini bertujuan untuk membantu penyelia2 dan pengurus2 untuk lebih memahami mengenai pengurusan prosedur kes-kes tatatertib, prosedur perolehan, prosedur tntutan elaun-elaun, dan prosedur cuti. Harapan penganjur supaya para pengurus sekalian dapat membantu kakitangan bawahannya dalam urusan-urusan yang dibincangkan alam kursus ini.

Di sini ak ingin berkongsi beberapa nasihat yang ak rasa sangat menarik dan terkesan di hati

1. kita hendaklah jujur dengan tuntutan elaun. terpulang kepada anda hendak memilih wang dengan mencalar sifat kejujuran atau pilih untuk jujur. igt duit yg anda dpt diberi mkn untuk isteri dan anak.jgn slhkn anak jika anak nakal, tp lihat dr sumber mana anda suap anak2 anda

2. setiap orang mempunyai seketul hati. baik hati itu, baiklah seluruhnya

3. kita harus bertanggungjawab dgn kerja kita. dan org yg bertggungjawab itu mesti memastikn dia competent, rajin dan mempunyai pengetahuan yg mencukupi serta tidak perlu menunggu arahan baru hendak bertindak

mungkin, anda rasa apa kena dgn title tu, sbbnya...ak sorg je yg pakai baju putih.yg lain2nya sister n matron pakai baju warna biru..ada sister tegur slh tmpt ke? awk ganti mana2 sister ke?..huhu..

look at these photos..

jururawat u41

Jururawat u41 = agen pengubah

terasa diri begitu penting apabila diberi peranan menjadi agen pengubah. namun apakan daya diri ini seakan-akan tidak mampu menjadi agen pengubah...ak bukanlah seperti mawi yg punya aura yg berkuasa menarik orang. bukan juga seperti syeikh ahmad yassin yang bisa menghidupkan intifada. ak hanya sebutir bintang yang malap2 je sinarnya..nak hidup segan, mati tak mahu..alahai....

Ya Allah, berikan aku kekuatan..

adakah anda rasa saya mampu mengalas tanggungjawab yang penting ni?

adakah anda terasa pernah dipengaruhi oleh saya?

adakah anda rasa saya mempunyai kebolehan memimpin?

Saturday, January 30, 2010

saya ada hutang dengan kamu tak?

at 7 o'clock on saturday night, as usual i will watching Bijak Wang..yes for sure to add my knowledge regarding how to manage my properties especially money.. something come up in my mind. it is about death..
maybe you think it's weird suddenly i think about death when watching about money.


actually, when think about money, do you borrow money from someone? i believe all people around the world borrowed money with someone, few bucks or in bigger amount. i'm also borrowed money with someone..

borrow ---> debt ----> death...this part was frightened me. i'm afraid i will die when i'm still in debt with i want to leave this world in peace unless someone help to settle it..but i don't want to troubleanyone. the most terrible was i don't remember with whom i'm in debt but in my instinct i know i'm still not repay someone money but i don't know who

so friends...if you think i'm borrow your money and i'm still not pay you back, please don't hesitate to let me know..i'm promise i will pay to you as soon as possible.let me die in peace..

and if you have debt to me, also don't forget to pay i'm running out of money..

Friday, January 29, 2010

kata-kata hikmah


As now i'm working in male surgical ward, a lot of new disease and treatment i i'm searching for knowledge regarding TRUP, i would like to share it to everyone..

TRUP is a acronym for Transurethral Resection of Prostate..this is a operation for male who has problem on his prostate...(if you don't want problem on prostate, avoid urinate in standing position..because male who always urinate in standing position is high risk to get a problem on their prostate one day...don't believe?...up to you..)

Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is surgery to remove all or part of the prostate gland, to treat an enlarged prostate

The surgeon will insert a tube-like tool called a cystoscope (or endoscope) through your urethra (the tube that carries urine from your bladder out of the penis). The surgeon then inserts a special cutting tool through the cystoscope. This tool will remove part of your prostate gland piece by piece with an electric current.

Why the Procedure is Performed

The prostate gland often grows larger as men get older. This is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The larger prostate play causes problems with urinating. Removing part of the prostate gland can often make these symptoms better.

Before you have surgery, your doctor will suggest you make changes in how you eat or drink. You may also be asked to try taking medicine. Your prostate may also need to be removed if taking medicine and changing your diet do not help your symptoms.

TURP is one of the most common procedures for this problem. But other less invasive procedures are also available. Your doctor will consider the size of your prostate gland, your health, and what type of surgery you may want.

Prostate removal may be recommended if you have:

  • Difficulty emptying your bladder (urinary retention)
  • Frequent urinary tract infections
  • Bleeding from the prostate
  • Bladder stones with prostate enlargement
  • Extremely slow urination
  • Damage to the kidneys
After the Procedure

You will stay in the hospital for 1 to 3 days.

After surgery, you will have a Foley catheter in your bladder to remove urine. The urine will look bloody at first. It will clear with time. A bladder irrigation solution may be attached to the catheter to continuously flush the catheter. This helps keep it from getting clogged with blood. The bleeding will gradually decrease, and the catheter will be removed within 1 to 3 days.

You will be able to resume a normal diet right away.

You will need to stay in bed until the next morning. Afterwards, you will be asked to move around as much as possible.

  • Your nurse will help you change positions in bed, show you exercises to keep blood flowing, and recommend coughing/deep breathing techniques. You should do these every 3 to 4 hours.
  • You may need to wear special compression stockings and use a breathing device to keep your lungs clear.

You may be given medication to relieve bladder spasms.

source: click here

other question please..

this is the third time i change my work environment..
although the place is different, but i'm always got the same question...xkira dari male or female

"dah kawin belum..?"
"dah berpunya ke?"
"dah ada boyfriend?"

ish...malas nak jawab..

tp i jawab jugak...
"kawin? calon pn xde lg"
"tak pernah ada boyfriend"

and sume xpercaya..knapelah kamu sume tak percaya...yes it's true!! i'm still single..sape2 yang berkenan meh2 isi borang..hahhaha...(tp ada ke yg berkenan?erkk..!)

tp kalu difikir2 balik, mmg pelik kalu bdk2 zaman skrg ni xde psgn lg..yelah cuba kamu tgk sekeliling kamu..hampir 95% bdk2 yg tgh blaja bercouple..although in primary school..even kindergarden..!

pelbagai reaksi i got when i reply their answer..examples..

"muka cantik,xkan xde org nak"
"tulah jual mahal sgt..."
"ni mesti memilih sangat.."
"nnt xberlaki kamu. org masa study lg cari, dh keje ssh dik"
"ada chance ni"

bukan xde org nak, bkn jual mahal, bukan memilih, bukan xnk bg chance, tp i'm still not found "the right one".
i'm not searching for handsome guy
i'm not searching for wealth guy
i'm not searching for "alim" guy
i'm not searching for intelligent guy
i'm not searching for anything

just i'm not found the right guy..when you look at him, automatically your heart say...yes it is..he is "the right one".
he is the right one to guide you,
he is the right one to protect you,
he is the right one to comfort you
he is the right one for your family
he is the right one for take responsibility as you husband
and he is the right one for anything..

whateverlah...and i'm still believe Allah dah tetapkan jodoh masing2..hanya xthu bile je i'll found my jodoh tu...redha...

Saturday, January 16, 2010

tension release session at Pantai Batu Buruk

yesterday, balqis, najma, basirah and me went to Pantai Batu Buruk...i'm feel so tranquility when saw them happily played at untuk mengurangkan rasa stress ialah keluar berjalan-jalan jauh dari suasana yang anda biasa hadapi n tempat yang sesuai adalah lokasi di mana kanak-kanak riang bermain...anda akan rasa sungguh bahagia melihat mereka..

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

saya mula bekerja ahad ini

seperti title tersebut, dengan ini saya mengumumkan yang saya akan mula bekerja pada hari ahad ni...

seperti dalam entri lapor diri sebelum ini, saya nk g jupe blk JKN pada ari isnin, tp malangnya kerana diri ini tersgt malas pada ar tersebut sy pn menangguhnya hingga ke ari ini..

sy pn p sana, menyatakan maaf puan, kalau saya xnk menangguhnya boleh ke?
jd awak nk kerja bila?
ari ahad ni boleh x?
ok boleh...jd awk blh simpan surat penangguhan ni. ari ahad ni awk trus keje.
ok, then sy dpt kt mana?
kita xthu lg. xbncg lagi
jd ari ahad ni sy kena dtg sini dlulah
ye dtg sini dulu..nnt kita btau kptsn
dengan berpakaian uniform?
ye pakai uniform
memandangkan sy msh belum ada uniform, blh x sy nk pakai uniform sy blaja
ok blh..buat sementara...pakai uniform blaja dlu
ok..terima kasih puan. kita jupe lg ari ahad ni..(dlm fikiran..muat lg ke uniform ni?..huhu...badan dh gemuk ni :)

so..berdebar ni nk tggu ari ahad..

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

lapor diri

10/01/10 yg lalu akhirnya penantianku terhadap posmen menemui jalan noktah...sampai jugak engkau akhirnya.....n seperti yg dijangka i got terengganu..n ak dikehendaki melaporkan diri di Jabtaan Kesihatan Negeri Terengganu, Tingkat 5, Wisma Persekutuan..

so pada 11/01/10 ak pun pun p lah sana melaporkan diri..

9.30 am....ronda2 cari tmpt parking..FULL! dh lah nervous nk lapor diri, dtmbh tension...lglh rasa membuku di hati...

9.45 am..ak mula melaporkan diri...
AK: assalamualaikum puan...saya datang nak melapor diri..
PU: jawatan apa ya?
AK: jururawat gred U41
PU: ok isi borg ini dulu..(borang lapor diri pegawai)

ak pn mencapai pena di tangan mencoret maklumat yang diperlukan di dalam borang yang diterima..ketika menulis sesuatu, tiba2 ak didatangi oleh serang wanita berpakaian merah..dia tanya..."awak nk tangguh tak kerja ni?"

pertanyaannya itu mendatangkan kejutan kepadaku...offer tangguh..kalau kerja ak sebelum2 ni mesti nak segera lapor diri..then, melihat wajahku yg kekagetan, dia pn kata "erm..xpelah"

saat sedang memikir kenapa meminta ak menangguhnya, sambil jari2ku dengan sebatang pen pantas melakar maklumat yg diperlukan..ak sekali lagi didatangi oleh 2 orang wanita..yang bezanya, kali ini ak kenal siapa dia..k.wani n k.zue..

ak pun merungkai persoalan2 yg hadir difikiran..mereka pun menyuruh ak menangguhnya.. mereka bilang "matron xde skrg ni, jd penempatan kita tidak dapat dilaksanakan. walaubagaimanapun pihak pengurusan menyatakan freshie akan ditempatkan di hospital sini kerana senang untuk dipantau dan dikursuskan bersama. kalau awak lapor diri dlu, nnt awak kursus sorg.."

kata-kata mereka itu merisaukan ak..yelah ak nk kerja cepat ni...nnt xde duit nk byr swift ak..huhu..

then, ak didatangi oleh 2 pegawai...dia menyarankan ak membuat penangguhan siap bagi cnth letter utk penangguhan lagi...dia kata kalu awak lapor diri skrg, sy xthu nk
  • tmptkn awk kt mana
  • uniform camne awk kena pakai
  • tugas apa awk kena lakukan

then, kt rumah ak menyesal wat penangguhan kerana
  • ak xthu nk bg alasan apa nk tangguh
  • dlm surat tu kata ak lapor diri kt hosp sini, tp diorg kata xthu nk letak ak kt mana
  • ak nk duit....
so, hari ini ak mahu pergi ke sana kembali...doakan kejayaanku...

Friday, January 08, 2010

kita ni org berakal ke?

just now i was so boring, nothing to do..then i decided to take this book at my sister bookshelf. baca n baca...terkejut jupe bab org berakal..rupa2nyai though i seorang yang berakal....rupa2nya i'm not qualified enough to be called orang yang whose yg selama ni perasan dia org yg berakal..let's we check it

ciri-ciri orang berakal

orang yang berakal itu ada 14 perkara iaitu:

1. meninggalkan kemuliaan
2. meninggalkan takbur
3. sangat gemar melakukan ibadat
4. sangat gemar melakukan kebaikan
5. amat benci melakukan kejahatan
6. amat kasih kepada orang yang berilmu (alim) dan mempunyai adab yang mulia
7. membalas jasa orang lain ke atas dirinya
8. segera membayar hutang jika yang memberi hutang itu masih ada
9. meninggalkan kemarahan
10. murah tangan kerana bersedekah, manis mulut ketika bercakap, dan manis muka apabila berhadapan dengan orang lain
11. amat sayang kepada kaum kerabat
12. enggan memakan benda yang haram
13. mahu terkena dan tidak mahu mengena
14. amat benci pada orang yang suka membesar diri dan bersikap ego

so, are u qualified???

am i a good auntie??

asalnya nk post benda lain, tp on the way nk sampai ke gmbr yg plan nk post tu rasa mcm klakar plak dgn gelagat my nieces ni....semuanya terpengaruh dgn auntie dia yg xbrape nk btl n selalu ajar benda2 mengarut...huhu...poor my auntie tahu u all seronokkan..hehehe

these my photo collections of my niece

ni najma si adik..comelkan..

balqis...perasan cantik sambil menunjukkan cincin besar ala2 mak datin (kena tipu d auntie dia, pdhl tu cincin tudung..hehe)

si nak smyg sibuk dgn dia nk smyg jgk..

hantu...!! tgh mkn super ring tiba2 auntie yg xbertamadun ni dpt idea..

abis tudung ariani kotor...ish..ish..

main baju2 kertas..d design oleh auntienya...

tgk najma ada taring...nk jugak dia....

si balqis n najma perasan cantik selepas d make up oleh auntienya..
"kakak cantik..." kata balqis...
"ma cantik gak.." kata najma

gaya bakal muslimah sejati..insyaAllah..

alololo...sedih ngat..

pic of my sister's wedding ceremony

as i'm promise before, i'm upload my sister wedding ceremony...let's enjoy it..


usually to surf my blog ni i used google chrome..tiba2 semalam terigt time my brother srh open up his website (here) by using internet explorer, the layout become so i try to open up my blog also..

as expectedly, the layout is different...the 3 columns become 2 columns only..

mcm ni hah jdnya..

so..for my visitor i'm advice u to use google chrome or mozilla for better and nice layout (walaupun still xseberapa but better..)

n one nore thing not satisfied..apsal lah shout mix ak kecik sgt...anyone can help??

Thursday, January 07, 2010

the more you give

the more you give, the more you get
the more you do unselfishly
the more you live abundantly
the more of everything you share
the more you laugh, the less you fret
the more you'll always have to spare
the more you love, the more you'll find
that life is good and friends are kind
for only what we give away
enriches us from day to day

Wednesday, January 06, 2010


semalam chat dengan sorg kawan..dia ckp i dah lama menyepi...knape?anything perkembgn xdgr pn..ada Fb n fs xupdate...gmbr lglah xde
bkn nk i like to be ananymous (btk ke ejaan?..)..nk merendah diri ni pn xinform kt sape2 pn...tu yg korg perasan xde followers, xde comment..gmbr? i malulah nk letak gmbr..i tak cantik macam kwn2 i yg lain...n i dh lain skrg, dulu lain, skrg lain..

tiba2 i terigt satu cerita dlm tv, the heroin said "skrg sy dh open..bukak ati nk kwn ramai2, be a cheer girl, n ikatkan blk tali pershbtn yg dulu2" i'm decided to be like her lah....pray for me ya..

maka oleh sebab itu, i dh maklumkn blog ini utk semua..dlm fb, fs, pictures, i'm promise i will upload later (1 dh letak)...skrg kekeringn kwn2...keep reading this blog (kalau bermint lh) and become my follower ya..

p/s: keep in touch


rasa macam a lot of things nk kongsi..

11/12/09--yahoo....i got offer to work at hosp weird right?it's my dream u know..NURSE U41..i will show u people how great i am.

13/12/09 - i sent my resign letter to my sad..

my sister wedding 12.12.09 ago..i will upload the pictures later

23/12/09 -- i become a traitor to my workmate..i told my boss their fault, careless and unskillful sorry guy...i need to do it to increase standard there..

family holiday trip on 25 - 29/12/09 fun..konvoi with 7 cars...we travel to kedah (sending my sister to her new family..), then bukit merah lake town here i come, then went to kuala lumpur..for Y.E.S!!!...mmg yes sgt abis duit gaji i

officially the last date i work there on 26/12/09...gudbye my friends...i will remember u all...thanks for helping me and sweet memories although it is so short..

31/12/09 - suddenly i become tokei kek choc...rm15/pieces...mari2 sape nk tempah..hahaha...adalah dlm 10 biji org tmph...and the best things...i got message today they want order again...macam xpercaya...hahahahha

31/12/09 --- i got offer letter from gov..

1-4/1/09 --- awaiting where KKM nk cmpk gue...

5/1/09 -- got msg from my frenz, can call this no 0388832796 to know the place for posting..

6/1/09 -- still byk kali, asyik engage jah..hampeh!

briefly spnjg kesepianku...

new looks, new determination

fresh look for my blog yg dh naik berdebu....
looks more matured right? sesuai lah dengan penambahan usiaku...