hari ini dan semalam yakni 23 dan 24 Mac 2010, i was attended orientation course for new staff of HSNZ. A lot of knowledge, experience and memory i got from this course..from this 2days course i was glad that now i have idea what is means of ISO, accreditation, how to apply leave, how to claim allowance, and how to behave myself as government staff..futhermore i'm also replenish my soul back with tazkirah from ustaz...rindunya nk dgr ceramah...hati ini seolah2 berjiwa kembali...akhirnya my soul get their food today (santapan rohani)...
not forget, during this course there also have stress management slot...xsangka rupa2nya saya dalam stress...nnt sy story back sbb apa sy stress n shared skit tazkirah dr ustaz tu..
seperti biasa, sy suka amik gmbr kalu sy attend apa2..

ni lah dia apperentice 4 antara 5 jururawat u41 yang berkhidmat di HSNZ..
dr gmbr yg plg besar ke kecik K.Zu, K. Wani, Hajar n Jeliha
sorg lg Rasyidah..dia xdpt attend sbb lacking of staff in her ward, so sister xbg kelepasan
for your information, K.Zu n K.Wani are my senior at USMKK
semoga kita dpt fight for our right! Fighting!!!!

me and K.Wani..
*Shhh...berita hangat..K.wani nk tung dh bulan 6 ni...

K.wani nampak mata je..hahaha...
Khusyuk dAN penuh tawaddukk k.wani mendengar ceramah..
K.wani: hajar....delete!!..nakalnya bdk ni...(sambil menepuk bahuku)
hajar: xnk...sy nk ltk dlm fb n blog sy...ahahahaha
K.wani: xpe.... nnt hajar tido, k.wani amik gmbr hajar plak.
eh...org sebelahnya (K.Zu) pn khusyuk nampak..hehe..
bkn K.Zu je lihatlah disekitarnya...
ada gaya...ada gaya...
me and Jeliha...
hajar: Jeli..senyum..
esok dh mula ward management..hurmm...akan aku tempoh dgn sebaiknya...Ya Allah permudahkanlah segala urusanku...
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