hi guys..i need you help!
right now i have 2 options that i need to lend your opinion.
i want to buy this camera Panasonic Lumix DMC-FT2. The price is RM1499. The seller offered me two ways of methods to buy it.

1st method
I buy it with full payment-Cash!. so, he will deducted the price to become RM1350 with additional gifts such as 8gb memory card and camera bag.
2nd method
i buy it with ansurance about rm500/month. The price still the same RM1499. So i need to complete the payment in 3 months. The additional gifts same as above method.
So, which method are you prefer?
1st!!! ^_^
yelah zati kalu yg best method pertama tp...
before that, why do u choose this camera? what are the specialties? is it compatible with the price?
yes umi. the specifications is very compatible with the price. it's waterproof, shockproof, freezeproof and and lain2 proof. kamu cari sendiri ek specifications nya ek..hahaha
Ermm..bnyk cash jer,dpt save bnyk..lgpon da xyah pening2 kepala pkir nk byr tiap2 bln...hehe
eh2,clap taip..byrla...
hehe..at last i got this camera..my dream become true..i'm made my mind to choose method 1, full payment..CASH! haha..the good new is i got it at price rm1330..rm170 discount haha plus camera case and memory card 8gb that worth rm350..so lucky i am..
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